K-Lee Pinto- Fit Inside & Out Housewife
Hi, I’m Coach K-Lee Pinto. I’m a happy housewife & mother of three daughters. I continued to workout throughout my pregnancy to live life to the fullest and get the energy I need to carryout all God intends for me to do like caring for my family and Fit Family Friends! I am on a mission to learn to make the most natural, clean whole foods for my family thru gardening, trying new recipes and seeking ways to make things easy and from scratch. I enjoy finding frugal ways to save money by DIY projects and moving further from man made products and revert back to whole natural avenues for health as God intended us to do things. I am not an expert- just a mom on a mission with a passion to help others do the same while falling in love with fitness & building a close relationship with the one who created us to be fit.
As a busy mom, I don't have time to drive to and from or money to go to the gym, I like to have my girls around setting a good example of health and fitness for them getting my devotions done first then popping in a quick workout. Beachbody programs have been a HUGE help in making this happen. They are fun proven systems that lay out the entire detail by detail so you are sure to succeed. I walk along side people to complete these programs by offering FREE weekly FIT CLUBS to try out the programs & host monthly Challenge groups where you are put on a team of others to do the program with to keep us motivated and have FUN with fitness! Lastly, I drink SHAKEOLOGY it gives my body the nutrition I need (and my kids love it) when we are always on the GO GO GO. People say I thought you were all natural kinda gal. SHAKEOLOGY is packed with nutrients, vitamins, antioxidants, phytonutrients and its SO much more then a protein shake. Unfortunately, I can't grow these bountiful ingredients in my backyard- tho, In the summer months I enjoy whipping up garden fresh smoothies too.
As a busy mom, I don't have time to drive to and from or money to go to the gym, I like to have my girls around setting a good example of health and fitness for them getting my devotions done first then popping in a quick workout. Beachbody programs have been a HUGE help in making this happen. They are fun proven systems that lay out the entire detail by detail so you are sure to succeed. I walk along side people to complete these programs by offering FREE weekly FIT CLUBS to try out the programs & host monthly Challenge groups where you are put on a team of others to do the program with to keep us motivated and have FUN with fitness! Lastly, I drink SHAKEOLOGY it gives my body the nutrition I need (and my kids love it) when we are always on the GO GO GO. People say I thought you were all natural kinda gal. SHAKEOLOGY is packed with nutrients, vitamins, antioxidants, phytonutrients and its SO much more then a protein shake. Unfortunately, I can't grow these bountiful ingredients in my backyard- tho, In the summer months I enjoy whipping up garden fresh smoothies too.
FAITH is the foundation of every aspect of our lives. Why not fitness & health? You may think transformation begins with physical effort, exercise and eating right but the TRUTH is, if you want lasting change in your life, you will need more then your own willpower and you will need to refocus your mind and commit your journey to the one who created us! The heart is what matters and getting fit and healthy so you can carryout all God intended for your life, not being sick, tired, depressed and overweight! Committing your journey to Him, and seeking him throughout will make your plans succeed if your heart and motives are right!