Rise and Shine! Getting my workout in first thing in the morning is non negotiable for me. So many people tell em they don't have time to workout- then its not a priority in your life. First and Foremost PLAN to get up early and go to bed early!
Ask yourself -What are my priorities? If I don't get up and get it done (or get some other things off my to do list done) before the kids get up, I'm cutting time from doing an activity with my kids and I'm not giving my kids the best of me.If I don't get my workout in my entire day changes, I'm tired, grumpy and my kids know it. Sure over the last few months things have changed since having my third child and I am sure they will alter more as summer approaches and my oldest is out of school. When I get it done I have more energy to do all God has planned for me that day. Afraid to wake the kids up? I play soft music on repeat as my kid sleeps as night to drown out my workouts. If they do happen to wake up-Who cares! I do think it is important too to allow the kids to see you working out too just as its good to allow them to see you in your quiet time reading your Bible. (For working out with kids around see my other post)
1- Go to bed early when you are starting out this new routine make sure you get enough sleep! 7-8 hours! Now with my newborn I don't get that much in a row, its more like 6-7 hours total but I know this is only temporary and working out to me is still important or I'm so much more tired during the day. I have to make myself go to sleep earlier by having a cup of chamomile tea and reading to help me settle and actually go to bed.
2- Set an alarm. There are some crazy awesome alarms on your phone, Did you know can set your phone to a message...Why not some blood pumpin music or a message "Get your feet on the floor & make the Devil say Oh crap she is up" Key is to NOT hit the snooze button. As soon as it goes off BEFORE your mind has time to think get those feet on the floor!! Our mind is the battle we tell ourselves 5 more mins or fill it with excuses why we should go back to sleep.
3- Lay out your workout clothes the night before. I get out all my workout gear so I'm not fumbling through my drawers half asleep.
4- Get dressed in your workout clothes after your feet hit the floor, that means sneakers too.
5- Don't pee in the bathroom in your bedroom lol this gives a chance for you to climb back in bed! Use bathroom other part of house, or WAIT till you get to the gym.
6- Start the tea kettle right away or set your coffee maker to brew. I drink Green Tea or Coffee
7- Eat a quick LITE snack you made the night before, I eat a hard boiled egg and drink my tea while I read my morning devotions before pressing play.
I'm not gonna act like its easy! I am currently on day 3 of trying to get back to this routine after having my 9 week old (3rd child). You better believe I'm determined and will keep at it, some days I'll fail and need some extra sleep but I'll keep chipping away and soon (maybe in awhile) my body will wake up automatically!
Some verses that encourage me
"She gets up before dawn to prepare breakfast for her household and plan the day's work for her servant girls." Proverbs 31:15
"I Can do all things, thru Christ who gives me strength" Phil 4:13